As the name suggests, the core of the provided services are: Naval Architecture, Ship Design and Information Structure. From basic design to production information for all types of vessels, such as passengers and ferries, mega-yachts, commercial ships and offshore vessels.

NASDIS offers full-package design, management support and consultancy services at all levels. The company also develops IT solutions to make life easier for its customers through the design and production stages.
Advisory services for shipyards and shipowners
The company offers services for shipyards, shipowners and other customers. These include design implementation; management, technical assistance and consultancy for early project stages; assessment and production consultancy oriented to design customization and support procedures in shipyards; budgeting and bids reviews for ship-owners.
Consultancy and technical assistance with marine documentation
NASDIS provides assistance to customers and classification societies during the documentation approval process. Also it can help clients selecting the right suppliers.
The company also provides consultancy and assistance for various activities, including research and development studies, hydrodynamic calculations and towing tank tests, stability studies and calculations, structural analysis, project evaluations and sea trials.
NASDIS offers IT assistance for the management, configuration and customization of integrated computer-aided design (CAD) systems for ship design. The company’s specialists are experienced in providing technical assistance services worldwide.
Shipbuilding project management
Each NASDIS project has an assigned project manager who, depending on the disciplines involved, is supported by team leaders (lead engineers) for each discipline.
E-mail and web-based applications are available to provide fast and efficient communication between personnel, including the project manager, team leaders, and, depending on the issue, the director, who has the final responsibility as the project sponsor.
The design progress is monitored via a monthly/weekly progress reporting system, which uses software tools to support scheduling, planning and capacity allocations.
CAD/CAM Systems

NASDIS personnel are proficient in various CAD systems, including AvevaMarine/PDMS, Tribon, Autocad, Nupas/Cadmatic, and Plantspace. The company is experienced in using a variety of tools to manage major projects shared between multiple players, and emphasis is always placed on improving interface management procedures.
NASDIS produces complete or partial 3D models, depending on the client requirements. The company delivers NC output for different cutting machines, whereby the cutting files are customized according to the ESSI standard code.
NASDIS has also produced and implemented software interfaces between design systems and production-acquisition systems. Please see the Software Solutions page for details.